Your Facilitators

Kim Green

Kim Green

Owner, Words, LLC and Blank Page Consulting

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Learn More About Kim


Marcia Williams, LPC

Owner, Hidden Flames Therapeutic Services, LLC



Learn More About Marcia

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Kim and Marcia went above and beyond to create a safe space in which to be heard and begin to heal. The Write to Heal assignments put me on a path to personal insights that had been long buried and created the right space to deal and heal. This led to lightbulb moments for which I am grateful.”


You Have the Write to Heal has been designed for those who are in the process of healing from trauma, loss or grief. It is a writing retreat that utilizes the transformative power of writing as the central tool for healing. This program is NOT about your technical or creative abilities. Your writing will never be critiqued or shared without your consent.

This retreat is an opportunity for courageous women to face their feelings head-on in order to empower themselves to move forward from the past. This four-day retreat experience incorporates, writing, sharing, and in-session coaching and group processing sessions as well as private sessions, if and when needed.

Once you have registered for the You Have the Write to Heal Retreat, prepare yourself to tackle some of your life’s most difficult hurdles by expressing yourself on paper.

We will work with topics that you have inspired with your application and interview.

The You Have the Write to Heal Retreat will offer a wholistic experience that you will never forget. As our guest, we invite you to settle into this splendid home nestled in the Catalina Foothills.

You will experience:

  • Time to write and process your experiences
  • The opportunity to connect with other like-minded women
  • Being nourished with delicious and healing foods
  • Healing modalities such as daily yoga, breathwork, sound healing, experiences in nature, and a Native American blessing by a Pascua Yaqui healer
  • Personal access to Kim and Marcia for discussions about writing and healing

This retreat will challenge you to do the illuminating but challenging work that it takes to curate the life you want to live. We are committed to making healing happen.



What women are saying about
You Have the Write to Heal

“I really got in touch with the fact that I have the ability to facilitate my own healing, both emotionally and physically. I have also realized that my repeatedly talking about the wounds without releasing the trapped emotions behind them only reinforces the wounding.”


“I had the experience of truly listening to myself, not intellectually but with my heart. I was able to hear my own truth in a more loving way than ever before. All this being said, I will consider this experience sacred.”


“Kim and Marcia are two beautiful souls and have such empathy and compassion. It was felt in this program that they so lovingly put together. They truly created a safe space for our healing to begin and they met each participant wherever they were on that journey. …I feel my growth and healing would have been stunted without these explorations. I cannot thank you enough!”


“I am grateful for the Write to Heal experience. I had a visceral response to each group session as the topics were relevant and the prompts well-crafted. I appreciate the rich contributions of each individual in the group and value the expert facilitators. This is an experience I hope continues to offer healing to many for a long time.”



  • Depression is the leading cause of disability in the US among people 15-44
  • Depression ranks among the top 3 workplaces in the US along with family crisis and stress
  • 250,000 people become suicide survivors each year in the UN National Network of Depression Centers
  • Adults with a depressive disorder or symptoms have a 64 percent greater risk of developing coronary artery disease. National Institute of Health
  • More than 1 in 6 Americans working full-time or part-time report assisting with the care of an elderly or disabled family member, relative, or friend. A survey of these adult caregivers found that 40% to 70% of them have clinically significant symptoms of depression
    Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
  • In 2019-2020, 20.78% of adults were experiencing a mental illness. That is equivalent to over 50 million Americans.
    Mental Health America

Therapeutic writing can be a place to confess your struggles and fears without judgment. The concepts and benefits, similar to journaling, can be very beneficial when it comes to the healing process from traumatic experiences. It starts with simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. And if you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, writing can guide you to the root of your emotions connected to the impact of the trauma, thus helping you to gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health.

Participation in a therapeutic writing group facilitated by a professional writer and a licensed therapist can provide a safe space to process your struggles and fears with other survivors of trauma without judgment or punishment through writing and sharing in a supportive group environment.

One of the ways to deal with overwhelming emotions related to trauma is to find a healthy way to express yourself. This makes a facilitated therapeutic writing group a helpful tool in managing your mental health. Therapeutic writing can help you:

  • Identify barriers to healing and recovery from trauma
  • Reduce stress and anxiety related to unresolved trauma
  • Identify coping skills to triggers that impact daily functioning
  • Help you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns
  • Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors

A therapeutic writing group can be a supportive part of recovery from trauma.


Write to heal logo

Let us introduce you to
your healing team

Anika Smith

Anika Smith

Onsite Support

Anika will be your go-to person in the house. She will be a participant as well as someone who is on the YHTWTH TEAM. She is available for help with any issues that come up after hours. As an alumna of the Write to Heal experience, she is well-versed in the program. She is an excellent source of support and very knowledgeable about all things YHTWTH. With over 25 years of leadership, teaching, and training experience, Anika holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a minor in Christian counseling and a master’s in human services: marriage and family. Currently, she is a candidate for the Doctor of Education in Christian Leadership: Ministry Leadership degree. As a result of her own adverse personal experiences, Anika has become a champion of well-being for herself and others. She believes that building community is essential and a great place to grow. Among her favorite things are quality time with family and friends, noteworthy podcasts, spa days, and laughing heartily.


Bri Reilly

Owner, Bri Reilly Yoga

Bri Reilly is a dynamic and highly skilled yoga instructor, holding an expert-level certification with 500 hours of training. Having ventured to nearly 40 countries, Bri sees the world as her classroom, constantly seeking to enhance her skills as both a teacher and a human being through immersive experiences in yoga and meditation globally. Her passion extends to teaching practitioners of any age and proficiency level, with a genuine commitment to creating a space where students can discover presence and inner peace on and off the mat. She is dedicated to providing a transformative and enriching experience for every participant.


Danielle “Rain” Dvorak

Multi-faceted Healer

Certified Tibetan Healing Sound Practitioner (photo attached) 116 Certified Tibetan Healing Sound Practitioner, Certified Medical Intuitive, E-RYT200 Yoga Teacher, Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher, Certified Aromatherapist, Certified End of Life Mentor

Rain’s path to holistic health care through energy work began in the 1970’s, when she first went to a Chinese acupuncturist for treatment and experienced a miracle. In the mid-1990’s, when she was diagnosed with high levels of mercury toxicity, resulting in Chronic Fatigue and the beginnings of Fibromyalgia, after much detoxing, learning, and hard work to restore her own health, Danielle was led to helping other people improve their health and well-being. During her journey she found Tibetan Sound, Yoga, Reiki, Aromatherapy,and Feng Shui to be the most effective in her own self-healing. Ultimately, these modalities have become her specialties for assisting people find health and reach their highest potential. physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.


Mitch Stevens

Hiking Guide / Owner, Southwest Discoveries

After growing up surrounded by asphalt in New York City, Mitch earned a degree in geology from City College of New York. He moved to Tucson, Arizona in 1984 where he came to discover the great outdoors and fall in love with Arizona’s special places. After countless trips across the state, Mitch made it his mission to encourage fellow hikers and enthusiasts to protect the beauty of the desert. In addition to his business, he has been the Sierra Clubs’ Director of Hikes and Outings for the past eight years. He is certified in emergency outdoors first aid. With his company, he continues to embrace his fascination with desert beauty by leading multigenerational tours throughout the southwest. His experience coupled with his passion for the great outdoors makes him a unique tour guide. He wants that every tour he leads to exceed expectations and leave travelers feeling breathless at the sight of beauty.


Tammie Silva

Owner, Ligaments Massage and Wellness

Tammi Silva is a certified and licensed massage therapist who also has a degree in ABT (Asian Body Techniques). Tammi feels massage is an outlet for her creative and healing nature. She sees each massage as an opportunity to bring relaxation, balance, and vitality to her clients. Tammi’s massages are client-centered and incorporate multiple modalities, from orthopedic to craniosacral. Additional modalities include Deep Tissue, Swedish, Myofascial release, Tui na, Lymphatic drainage, Reflexology, Reiki and Trigger point therapy.


Hali Bailey

Breathwork Practitioner

Using the modalities of somatic breathwork, sound healing, bodywork + astrology, Hali Bailey’s mission is to help souls reconnect to their mind, body + spirit. Through the power of reconnecting to our bodies through breathwork + working with the energies from the heavens- she says we can start to live an embodied + heart-centered life. My goal is to help you fall in love with yourself again so that you can remember your aliveness! Hali Bailey is a certified somatic breathwork practitioner, astrologer + personal trainer.



Medicine Man Native American Healer, Shaman

In 2004, Windraven suffered a coma from a head injury. He had a vision and was told to “go back and change your ways.” Shortly thereafter, he came back with a gift of seeing other people’s struggles and pain. He says, “I am Windraven, a Native American healer and am honored to be such. I am respectful of my ancestors and honor them by following what the elders have taught me. My spiritual beliefs are very old and by practicing them I am honoring my nation, the Yoeme tribe (Pascua Yaqui). In doing so, I am able to help all people whatever they believe, no matter what religion. I welcome anyone who needs healing or a blessing. I will guide you on your path.”

Kayla Hayes


Former Delta flight attendant, Kayla Hayes decided to follow her heart which has always been in the kitchen. Always comfortable with preparing delicious food for her friends and family, Kayla became Chef Kay when she started to prepare intimate dinners for couples. Consistent raves about her delicious food and impressive professionalism gave her the confidence to begin catering larger celebrations and retreats. Although raised on traditional Southern Cuisine, she has expanded her made-from-scratch repertoire to include tasty vegan, vegetarian, and innovative eclectic meals that are sure to nourish and satisfy.

Meet Your Certified Eponaquest Instructors

Diana Will


Sixteen years ago, Diana Will was adopted by a horse while volunteering at Equine Voices Rescue. She promptly enrolled in Linda Kohanov’s Eponaquest Instructors two-year apprentice program. Since then, she has worked with private clients of all ages. As a Reiki Master, she has incorporated Reiki on clients in the energy field and partnership with the horses. Coming late into the lives of horses, it has become her passion to share the transformative and healing power that interacting with horses can be mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically therapeutic.

Elysa Ginsburg

Elysa Ginsberg’s life-long love of horses, combined with her equestrian and psychology background brought her to her first Eponaquest workshop with founder, Linda Kohanov. Feeling inspired and transformed, Elysa realized that she wanted to share the gift of this work with others and went on to complete the Apprenticeship Program at the Epona International Study Center. In 2012, Elysa completed advanced training with Linda and became an Eponaquest Advanced Instructor.

Charlotte Richardson-Zwald


Charlotte Richardson-Zwald is a pioneer in bringing the Eponaquest Approach into the public school system. She taught horse-inspired leadership, and emotional and social intelligence skills into the classroom. Monthly her students would take trips to the barn. Charlotte graduated from the Eponaquest Apprenticeship in 2015 and is also on the faculty at Eponaquest. Charlotte’s horse, Star, is her 15-year-old, thoroughbred equine teacher and wise soul.

Eponaquest Equine Therapy


What is Eponaquest?

Whether you’re interested in horses or human development—or both—the Eponaquest Approach allows you to experience what it means to truly thrive in life. To help you reconnect to nature, the herd, and the community, this approach offers you tools that open other worlds of creativity, insight, and empowerment.

What Will Happen in Equine Therapy?

Hitching Post Ranch at Gentleman’s Acres is a historic horse ranch where you will have a personal experience with horses…Namely, Delano, Myoho and Star.
In small groups of four with one horse and an EponaQuest instructor, you will participate in several activities to access what is deep inside in ways you did not know existed. You will learn how to translate pure experiences into words that will impact others. With a horse as your partner, (No riding, only ground work) you will open your sensory awareness to access your intuition, and creativity. This will occur as you work personally with a horse, share experiences with others in your group, and journal about these experiences. In other words, the equine experience will allow you to drawing out the most powerful yet elusive nonverbal experiences and translate them into words.

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